Saturday, October 2, 2010

Confident Prayer Warrior

Maybe the title to this new blog seems strange, but I am a very confident prayer warrior. I'm confident of the Lord's blessings every day, and I'm confident in His answers to my prayers. The answers are not always what I had hoped for, but they always turn out to be the best!

What a powerful privilege we have in the gift of prayer! It's a gift that is usually underused and not appreciated to its utmost value!

Imagine, if you will, the privilege of being able to call the president of the United States any time you wanted to, or the governor, or even the mayor. We would think that was pretty cool, wouldn't we? I'd be willing to bet though, that those people wouldn't want us calling them at all hours of the day or night, or calling twenty times a day! In my human selfishness, I wouldn't want someone calling me that many times in a day!

But think about this . . . we have the privilege of being able to call on the King of kings, the mighty King of the universe any time of the day or night, as many times as we feel the need, to ask for help and guidance in whatever we are dealing with in our lives. Wow! What a privilege, and what a wonderful and unselfish Friend it would take to extend that privilege unconditionally, and without limits.

Our God is a mighty God, and an awesome Friend to us, day in and day out, without limit or conditions of any kind, other than that we give our hearts to Him in full measure. I'm so thankful for the gift and privilege of prayer. It's been an endless source of strength and guidance in my life! I hope that it is for you also!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Thank God His ears are always open to our prayers.